You guys remember back in 2015 the dance-opera film Symmetry? Written and directed by filmmaker Ruben Van Leer wrote and filmed inside CERN, the largest experimental particle physics facility in the world, Van Leer, with support from a team of theoretical physicists and their sister organization, Arts at CERN, Van Leer uses Symmetry to explore the intersection between art and science in what he believes will help us expand “a new dimension” to better understand the relationship between human beings and nature.
Symmetry tells the story of a physicist named Lucas who works at CERN and has encountered a myriad of difficulties finding the primordial particle that unlocks the mystery of the universe. After being summoned by the “God of Art,” Lucas becomes enlightened and as a consequence, realizes himself as part of the universe and now driven by great cosmic love, leads a team of scientists to discover the true meaning of humanity’s relationship to the cosmos.
That’s the official summary, provided by the director himself.
Now, there are a couple ways to interpret this… there’s the official description, the story the director gives you. Peel back a translucent layer and there is another way of looking at it a bit more deeply and may seem somewhat obvious. And, yet, there is yet a completely different way to analyze this story, the one I think fits best and it’s going to completely melt your brain when you see it.
Let me break it down for you.